Excellent! Just like the description. Quick acting, euphoric at the beginning and develops into a wonderful calm sense of well being. Nice fine grind and a distinct Bir Kar flavour. I will definitely be back for more!
The service and quality is great. Fast shipping, this is definitely probably one of the best places to get your Kava. I unfortunately do not get the mellow, mood lifting, calming experience from this. It seems to do the opposite for me. I almost feel like I am getting wired up and my anxiety and nervousness increases rather than decreases. If anyone has drank a lot of alcohol the night before and then the next day you have this uneasy irritable uncalm feeling, that is what I get from this. Ive used it back to back multiple days to get the reverse tolerance thing going and the effects do increase just not the desirable effects. Also seems to make it more difficult to fall asleep and then when you do fall asleep you wake up several hours later. I don't know, my body is probably just different and this stuff works different on me than other people. I’m sure this is a great product for others but unfortunately not for me.
It's a very tasty tea! It's a little too sweet for me but the wife loves it - and that's the vote that counts!
Hey Otto! I'm so happy she (and you) are loving the tea <3 haha yup that's the vote indeed! Happy Valentines Day to you both
Never really thought kava from the states would be good until I bought some, reminds me of home. Hats off to this company ☝🏽👍
The variety , the clean flavor and distinct differences . Each varietal . Nice mellow calm , just what I needed
All your other kavas I’ve tried I have enjoyed .Smooth tasting kava other than that it didn’t do much even after I tried again. Little to no tingle on the tongue and tried 3 shell about 10 to 15 min apart. Maybe too much lawena in the mix.
Shipping was good, customer service, excellent. Product wasn't as good as expected. Didn't feel much from the last two batches I made so I'm not sure what's up.
These are the best strainer bags I’ve ever had. Will continue to stick with them.
This kava is definitely one of my top 5 favorites.!Very potent. Instant relaxation of body and mind.
I enjoyed the effects of this tea but I’ve used others with stronger euphoric effect. But still quite relaxing. Used 5 tablespoons to 16oz water for my brew.
This kava felt clean and tasted better than any kava ive drank prior. It was potent wirhout any lefover lag the next day. Id say the description of its profile on the site is accurate.
Well I love it. It makes me feel happy and calm. It feels like an anti anxiety vibe (in a fun way) but still social for me personally. Very good for mood. I can drink it and hang out with people. It makes it much easier to get along with people I don’t like. Not exactly good for sleep. I say this is good from 6pm until 9pm but not for right before bed or you will just waste your buzz. Bulah!!
This review comes from someone who has only drank heady kava for the 3 or so years I’ve been into it
I love this Kava - I was laughing about it last night as I started yawning because of how relaxed I was about 1/2 way through my mug of awesomeness. It's my new end of day enjoyment!
I'm glad I picked Art of Kava as my first experience trying Kava! I really appreciate that the sample pack comes with a strainer bag as I didn't have one already. Packaging had clear instructions on a variety of ways to prepare Kava. I decided to go with the traditional method. I didn't notice any effects from the first batch I made, but as I better understood how to properly prepare it, the effects became stronger. Provided me with a really nice calm and muscle relaxation sensation.
This is one of my favorite heavy kavas on the market. Very relaxing and helpful for sleep. I love Art of Kava products.
Strongest kava shipped without traveling to the islands or getting fresh frozen mailed to you! Hands down the dopest dope you'll ever (NOT have to) smoke!! Lol, thanks
I’ve been drinking kava for a bout two years now and have tried many different kavas. When I first started drinking kava I got very sedated from only two cups. Now I am a seasoned veteran and kava just lifts my mood enough for me to be able to do everything including drive. When I drink kava it’s an all day event for me. I don’t drink kava every day becuase my kava tolerance builds up and then it doesn’t work. I stay away from micronised kava and kava extracts they don’t work for me. And once I got really bad anxiety from an extract that was old. Anyway bir kar i feel is the most potent kava that i have tried. Kelei is also a good choice for kava but i feel it’s not as potent as bir kar. Thank you and bula.